The Panther Newspaper: Miley Cyrus gets ‘Fweaky’ in free album
Miley Cyrus dancing on-stage during a live performance.
Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons.
I know that I may have an unpopular opinion, but I’m going to be completely honest — I love Miley Cyrus now, especially compared to her Hannah Montana days. Ever since she released “Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz” for free on SoundCloud Aug. 30, it has been playing on a loop in my house. My roommate and I have been continuously belting out the lyrics that perfectly reflect Cyrus’s unique style and eccentric personality.
When I discovered that Cyrus released her music for free, it immediately boosted my respect for her as an artist. Although some people may see it as a bit pretentious, I think the fact that she’s giving her music away for free shows how genuine of a musician she has become. She doesn’t need or even want the money. She simply wants her fans to revel in her art.
The album is filled with a beautifully chaotic mixture of songs, influenced by the rock, pop and alternative genres with a psychedelic twist. Crazy and creative song titles make up the track list including “Slab of Butter (Scorpion),” “Miley Tibetan Bowlzzz” and “Fweaky.”
My favorite song is the first song on the album, “Dooo It!” in which she sings about smoking pot, understanding the universe and spreading peace through a care-free lifestyle (although she uses language that’s a tad more vulgar). This song is upbeat and catchy with bits of pop and trap, which could be described as a cousin of dubstep.
“Something About Space Dude” is a close second for my favorite track. It has a more calming effect that makes you want to chill out and wonder how high Cyrus must have been to think of writing a love song dedicated to space.
My only complaint about the album is that the songs for her dead pets, “The Floyd Song (Sunrise)” and “Pablow the Blowfish,” are both quite depressing, which makes them difficult to listen to all the way through. But having the opportunity to hear the raw emotion in her voice as she was recording those songs makes it all worth it. Who else could love a fish as much as Cyrus loved Pablow?
No matter what anyone says, I will always love Cyrus and everything that she stands for, which is exactly that: staying true to yourself regardless of other people’s opinions.
4/5 Panther paws.